Sunday, June 29, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions


Some of your posts are contests!! What are my chances of winning?
Your chances of winning these "contests" are extremely high!! In fact, many of them are contests that almost everyone wins. Most websites which distribute tickets to Free Movie Screenings do so on a first come, first serve basis and will overbook screenings. Calling it a contest may be protection for certain websites. Regardless, I only post contests on
this website that you have a good chance of getting tickets too. Tickets distributed to private screenings or premieres may be harder to win and free movie ticket contests hosted by radio stations may also be a different story. GOOD LUCK!


What do I bring with me?
Bring your ticket, an i.d. (just in case) and yourself.

What should I leave at home?
- cameras and cell phones will not be allowed inside most screenings.
- large purses/bags (have to checked in separate line, might as well skip that step)

What is the dress code?
There is no formal dress code. Dress just as you would for a regular movie. At my first screening, there was a group of teenage girls who were very dressed up and they looked very nice, but definitely stood out from the crowd. Most people wear casual clothes.


How early should I get there?

Many advanced screenings tell you on the ticket when they expect you to show up. A good rule is an hour before it starts, 30 minutes at the latest. **I have arrived at 7pm at a 7:30pm showing and been almost last in line. eek.

How crowded are the screenings?
It varies from screening to screening and depends on how popular the movie is and how well the event has been promoted.

Will they check IDs?
ID checking is rare, but always bring an ID just in case. More and more screenings are checking these days.

Do I have to pay for parking?
Screenings take place at upper scale theaters around Los Angeles. Most theaters provide free parking or validation, but some cost a few dollars even with validation. This will obviously vary from screening to screening.


Other than on the internet, are there any other avenues that I might try to obtain free movie screening passes?
Radio stations, tv stations and newspapers sometimes host these types of events.